Welcome back to SkillGigs Money Story, where we keep you updated on the healthcare pay trends and salary packages of various healthcare professionals, including registered nurses, travel nurses, and many more. We review more than 3,000 bids from over 3,000 hospital facilities to offer real-world information on pay trends that can help you in your career. Following is the Healthcare payment trend from January to August 2024.
Acute Care RN
- January 2024: $54.76
- April 2024: $55.93
- May 2024: $54.38
- June 2024: $59.31
- July 2024: $59.76
- Aug 2024: $58.00
Acute Care RNs have enjoyed consistent pay increases through the summer months of 2024. In January, salaries were around $54.76. They increased throughout the year, reaching an all-time high of $59.76 in July and a slight decrease to $58.00 in August.
- January 2024: $58.42
- May 2024: $56.83
- June 2024: $65.51
- July 2024: $65.07
- Aug 2024: $63.00
ER RNs saw a slight dip in May but rebounded in the months of June, July and August, and maintaining high pay rates due to strong demand in emergency care.
- January 2024: $60.12
- May 2024: $55.90
- June 2024: $64.72
- July 2024: $63.50
- Aug 2024: $63.50
ICU RN rates fluctuated over the summer but stayed solid throughout June, July and August 2024, reflecting ongoing demand for critical care nurses.
Labor & Delivery (L&D) RN
- January 2024: $62.10
- May 2024: $56.09
- June 2024: $64.62
- July 2024: $65.99
- Aug 2024: $66.10
L&D RNs have a steady pay growth throughout the summer, closing at $66.10 in Aug, indicating a strong need for specialists in this high-demand field.
Med Surg RN
- January 2024: $59.03
- May 2024: $53.16
- June 2024: $60.48
- July 2024: $60.04
- Aug 2024: $60.40
Med Surg RN rates have remained stable, with a slight uptick in August 2024, signaling ongoing stability in the field.
OR RN (Operating Room)
- January 2024: $65.35
- May 2024: $57.21
- June 2024: $66.89
- July 2024: $67.82
- Aug 2024: $62.00
OR RN pay rates saw a consistent rise in June and July, with a slight decrease in August.
Progressive Care Unit (PCU) RN
- January 2024: $60.96
- May 2024: $55.23
- June 2024: $61.95
- July 2024: $61.46
- Aug 2024: $60.18
The PCU RN rates remained relatively stable through the summer, with a small but steady decrease noted in June, July and August.
Physical Therapist
- January 2024: $52.04
- March 2024: $55.97
- April 2024: $50.09
- June 2024: $59.40
- July 2024: $55.75
- Aug 2024: $53.00
Physical Therapist pay dropped slightly in July and August 2024, but is showing signs of growth in the future.
Stepdown RN
- January 2024: $64.08
- May 2024: $54.06
- June 2024: $62.16
- July 2024: $61.29
- Aug 2024: $61.00
Stepdown RN pay saw a slight dip in July and August 2024, while peaking in June at $62.16.
TeleHealth RN
- January 2024: $61.74
- May 2024: $52.50
- June 2024: $63.20
- July 2024: $63.04
- Aug 2024: $57.00
TeleHealth RN rates remained consistent through June and July but saw a slight decrease in August 2024.
In the three months of June to August 2024, the healthcare pay trends increased in several types of nursing specialties to meet the rising demand for healthcare services. There were slight fluctuations in the trends, but overall the trends were ascending, and many specialties reported pay increases in the summer. For any healthcare professional it is important to be abreast with these Healthcare Payment Trend as it will assist you in decision-making when planning your next career move. At SkillGigs, we continue our commitment to bringing you the salary facts and the highest-paid job opportunities.
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