HIPAA Violations and Examples: You Might Be Unknowingly Committing

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HIPPA is all about protecting patient’s privacy and you are probably doing your best to follow HIPPA, but if you think you are a HIPAA compliant? Well think again what if you are unknowingly violating some laws. HIPAA violations can happen in the blink of eye without you knowing and even small mistakes can put you at risk. In this blog we will discuss HIPAA violation examples that you might be unknowingly committing.

What Is HIPAA?

HIPAA stand for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and was signed into law by President Bill Clinton on 21 Augst 1996. HIPAA is a federal law that protects the confidentiality and security of health information of the patients.

What is HIPAA violation?

It is important for every healthcare worker to follow HIPAA. HIPAA violation occurs when there is improper access, use or disclosure of patients protected health information (PHI). Common examples of HIPAA violations are as follows:

  • Unauthorized access to Patient’s Health Information (PHI)
  • Failure to safeguard PHI
  • Improper sharing of PHI
  • Devices containing PHI is lost or stolen.
  • Improper disposal of PHI
  • Lack of employee training

HIPAA violation Examples

It is easy to assume that you are HIPPA compliant, but it is possible that you might be committing HIPAA violation unknowingly. Some of the HIPAA violation examples are:

Discussing Patient information in public areas

It is important that the patient’s healthcare information should be kept private and secure. It is important that healthcare workers should not discuss this information in public places.


The nurse discussing a patient’s medical condition with another colleague down the hallway or in elevator. It is possible that other unauthorized individuals might hear the conversation, and it is the breach of HIPPA violation.

Another example is group of healthcare professionals discussing the outcomes of complex surgery in cafeteria can also breach patient’s privacy. Unauthorized individuals can overhear and misuse the information without them knowing is also an example of HIPPA violation.

Improper disposal of patient records

Another example of HIPPA violation is improper disposal of patient health records. It is important for nurses and healthcare workers to dispose of paper in recycle bins after shredding them. The paper might consist of sensitive health information disposing it without shredding it then any unauthorized individual can get access to it.



Leaving workstations unattended

Healthcare workers and nurses should log off their computer screens before leaving their station. Leaving workstations unattended and displaying sensitive information of the patient is another violation example of HIPAA. Some of the examples are:

Leaving computer unlocked in shared office.

Accessing patients records in public areas and leaving it unattended.

Leaving computers unattended in patient’s room.

The best way to avoid such mistakes is to use privacy screens or filters on your computer while using it in public.

Using personal devices to access a patient’s information

Personal accounts usually lack security features therefore accessing patients’ health records on personal devices can also expose sensitive information to unauthorized people. It is possible that if a nurse uses her personal phone to access a patient’s health record and then leave it on table. If that phone is lost or stolen this means that the patient’s sensitive health information can be seen by other individuals which is the violation of HIPAA. The best way to avoid this HIPAA violation is as follows:

  • Use authorized devices only.
  • Secure mobile access with VPNs.
  • Enforce device management policies.
  • Educate staff about security risks.
  • Restrict access to certain data.

Sending unencrypted emails with patient data

Sending unencrypted emails with patients’ personal health information is another violation of HIPAA. The HIPAA law has strict rules on how patients’ health information should be shared electronically. To avoid this violation while sending patients health information you should follow these rules:

  • Use email encrypted software.
  • Secure messaging system.
  • Educate and train the staff.
  • Verify recipients email address before sending.
  • Using two factor authentication.

How to avoid HIPAA violations?

To avoid HIPAA violations, healthcare professionals and nurses should avoid the following:

  • Regularly update information on HIPAA rules and regulations.
  • Only access patient health records when it is necessary.
  • Use secure communication.
  • Properly dispose of patient health information by shredding the papers
  • Always obtain patient consent
  • Participate in training and awareness programs of HIPAA.


According to HIPAA rule, patient health formation should be kept private and confidential. But even small mistakes can lead to serious violations. Such as leaving computers unattended, talking about patient health information in public and improper disposal of patient health information. By following best practices such as shredding the paper before disposing of the papers, using privacy screens and filters, and staying updated with HIPAA rules and regulations can help in minimizing or avoiding these mistakes.

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