Most In-Demand Programming Languages to Learn in 2024

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With the rapid evolution of technology, the demand for skilled software developers continues to rise. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the need for software developers, including software engineers, is expected to grow by 22 percent between 2022 and 2030, far outpacing the average growth rate of other professions. Learning the most in-demand programming languages is important if you want to enhance your skills for a promising future in tech.

Levels of Programming Languages

Programming languages come in different levels, each with its specific use and complexity:

  1. Low-level languages: These provide minimal abstraction from a computer’s instruction set and include languages like Assembly, BASIC, FORTRAN, Cobol, and C.
  2. High-level languages: These are user-friendly, independent of the computer type, and easier to learn and maintain. Examples include Java, PHP, C#, and Swift.


a programmer coding on the laptop


Types of Programming Languages

Here are some types of programming languages:

Procedural programming languages:

Execute sequences of instructions using multiple variables and heavy loops.

Examples: BASIC, FORTRAN, C, and Java.

Functional programming languages:

Focus on what to solve rather than how to solve it, using mathematical functions.

Examples: Python, Haskell, Clojure, Erlang, and Lisp.

Object-oriented programming languages (OOP):

Structure software into reusable pieces of code known as Classes.

Examples: Java, C++, Python, and JavaScript.

Scripting programming languages:

Used for runtime environments and integrating with other programming languages.

Examples: Python, Ruby, Node.js, Perl, and Bash.

Logic programming:

Based on formal logic, expressing facts and rules of a problem domain.

Examples: Prolog, Answer Set Programming (ASP), and Datalog.


Programming and coding on the laptop


Top Indices to Track Programming Language Popularity

Various indices are helpful in tracking the popularity of programming languages based on search rankings, job advertisements, open-source projects, and more. Some of the top indices are:

  1. PYPL Index: Reflects developers’ search patterns for tutorials on Google Trends.
  2. TIOBE Index: Ranks languages based on search engine queries.
  3. IEEE Spectrum: Combines metrics from sources like Google, GitHub, and Stackoverflow.
  4. Stackoverflow Developer Surveys: Ranks languages based on developer responses on the platform.

Most In-Demand Programming Languages in 2024

Now let’s talk about the most in-demand programming languages to learn in 2024:


  • Why it’s in demand: Python’s simplicity and versatility make it a top choice for web development, data science, artificial intelligence, and more. Major companies like Netflix, Facebook, and Google use Python extensively.
  • Job prospects: High demand with numerous job listings on platforms like Glassdoor and Indeed.


  • Why it’s in demand: Java is essential for Android development and is widely used in enterprise environments. Companies like Airbnb, Google, and Amazon rely on Java.
  • Job prospects: Significant demand due to its use in various industries, including mobile app development and big data.


  • Why it’s in demand: Over 95 percent of websites use JavaScript for dynamic and interactive content. It’s also crucial for developing web servers and backend infrastructure with Node.js.
  • Job prospects: High demand for front-end and full-stack developers proficient in JavaScript.


  • Why it’s in demand: A superset of JavaScript, TypeScript offers type-checks and additional syntax for better error handling and code integration.
  • Job prospects: Growing popularity among developers, especially for large-scale web applications.


  • Why it’s in demand: PHP powers a significant portion of the web, and its simplicity and compatibility with major platforms make it a favorite for web development.
  • Job prospects: High demand due to its extensive use in server-side scripting.


two people coding with C++, Java, Python and other languages



  • Why it’s in demand: Known for its performance and efficiency, C++ is widely used in game development, system/software development, and real-time applications.
  • Job prospects: Continuous demand for roles in game development and system programming.


  • Why it’s in demand: Developed by Apple, Swift is the primary language for iOS and macOS app development.
  • Job prospects: High demand due to the popularity of Apple products and the iOS ecosystem.


  • Why it’s in demand: It is favored for Android development due to its interoperability with Java and ease of use.
  • Job prospects: Increasing demand as more companies migrate their Android apps to Kotlin.


Whether you’re an experienced developer or just starting, learning the most in-demand programming languages will open up numerous career opportunities. Keep an eye on the indices that track the popularity of programming languages to stay ahead in your career.



Which coding language is most in demand in 2024?

The most in-demand programming languages for 2024 are Python, JavaScript, PHP, C++, TypeScript, Java, Swift, and Kotlin.

Which language is best to learn 2024?

For beginners, Python is the best language to learn due to its simplicity and versatility. For more advanced developers, Java offers extensive applications and job opportunities.

Which programming language should I learn for 2025?

Consider learning Python or Java, as they continue to be in high demand and have broad applications across various domains.

Is coding worth learning in 2024?

Absolutely! With the increasing demand for software developers and the growing reliance on technology, coding skills are more valuable than ever.

By staying updated with the most in-demand programming languages, you can ensure a successful and rewarding career in tech. Happy coding!




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