How Can I Build My Own Programming Language?

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Programming your own language is a fun and stimulating task, as well as one of the most satisfying experiences in computer science. It tells you how software is built from the ground up and gives you the means to solve certain problems uncommonly. If you are a computer science student or software engineer, or just interested in the learning process, then you can follow this guide and learn how to build your own programming language quickly and easily.

Step 1: Define Your Language’s Purpose

Before diving into technical details, it’s critical to define the purpose of your language:

  • Target audience: Who will use this language? Are you a developer, data scientist, or specific to the domain of application for social media?
  • Primary goal: What kind of problems does language solve? For example, Python is good at simplicity while another language C is very effective at low level hardware control.
  • Features: Choose what your language will support or encompass like object-oriented programming, functional programming, or specific domains.


To strike a right balance in creating language for data analysis then this is what you should aim for using programming: the ability to handle and accommodate large data, capability to perform computations in a fast and efficient manner and access to databases.

Step 2: Choose a Syntax and Grammar

Syntax refers to the structure within your program, and how each code line is written whereas grammar refers to the way elements are combined in a program in order to form instructions.

Steps to Design Syntax:

Write mock code for your language. For instance:

print "Hello, World!"
add 5 to 10


Keep it simple to reduce learning curves.

Define structure: Decide how variables, functions, loops, and conditional statements will look.

Grammar Design

Use Backus-Naur Form (BNF) to define your grammar. For instance:

<statement> ::= "print" <string> | "add" <number> "to" <number>
<number> ::= [0-9]+
<string> ::= '"' .* '"'


Step 3: Build a Lexer

A lexer (lexical analyzer) reads the source code and converts it into tokens, the building blocks for your language’s grammar.

Example Lexer in Python:

import re

def lexer(input_code):
tokens = []
patterns = [
(r'print', 'PRINT'),
(r'add', 'ADD'),
(r'\d+', 'NUMBER'),
(r'".*?"', 'STRING'),


for pattern, token_name in patterns:


matches = re.finditer(pattern, input_code)
for match in matches:


return tokens

code = 'print "Hello, World!" add 5 to 10'


Step 4: Create a Parser

A parser works on the tokens generated by the lexer to construct a tree known as the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). The AST stands for the aspects of a program in the sense that it contains the program structure and the flowchart of the program.



Example Parsing Steps:

  • If you order a parser, it is better to use a library like PLY (Python Lex-Yacc) to write it.
  • Give paradigms from which the parser will infer the grammar.
  • Formulate the AST that identifies the valid statements within your language.

Sample Grammar Rule:

If your syntax includes add 5 to 10, the parser should translate this into an AST:

|-- NUMBER(5)
|-- NUMBER(10)


Step 5: Implement an Interpreter or Compiler

  • Interpreter: Executes the source code directly by traversing the AST.
  • Compiler: Translates the source code into machine code or another language.

Example: Simple Interpreter

def interpret(ast):
if ast[0] == 'ADD':
return ast[1] + ast[2]
elif ast[0] == 'PRINT':


# Example AST for “add 5 to 10”


ast = ['ADD', 5, 10]


Step 6: Test and Debug Your Language

Testing is crucial to ensure that your language works as expected:

  • Unit tests: Testing of individual components of the interpreter such as the lexer, parser, and interpreter.
  • Integration tests: Integrate your language into complete programs to ensure its functionality at the end of the chain.
  • Edge cases: Special attention should be paid to such parameters as incorrect input data, big data, and other specific situations.

Example Test Cases:

  • Input: print “Hello”
  • Expected Output: Hello
  • Input: add 5 to 10
  • Expected Output: 15

Step 7: Build Developer Tools

To increase your language’s adoption, consider providing the following tools:

  • Syntax highlighting for IDEs.
  • Debugging tools to identify errors.
  • Code samples and documentation for new users.

Step 8: Iterate and Improve

Programming languages evolve over time. Gather feedback from users and refine your language by:

  • Adding new features.
  • Improving performance.
  • Enhancing compatibility with existing tools and platforms.


Programming is a satisfying task that requires both ideas and practical work; it is interesting to build your own programming language. Having an understanding of what you want your language to accomplish, creating the rules for it, and finally coding the lexer, parser, and interpreter you will have a clear vision of how software is created and more importantly, the significance of language design. Go step by step and build your process gradually. It’s the fun part!






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