This ER nurse job description template is optimized for responses and bids.
This Emergency Room Nurse job description template is optimized for posting on job boards. Each section is designed to help increase your visibility on job board search engines by leveraging SEO best practices. Make sure that you keep your job ad titles concise and free from the use of any jargon or internal terms.
An emergency room nurse works with physicians and other nurses in healthcare facilities. They’re often the first line of defense for accidents, allergic reactions, or any number of urgent medical emergencies. A good emergency room nurse will be calm under pressure, knowledgeable, and have experience quickly assessing the needs of patients, performing minor medical operations, and discharging patients. Writing a good job description for an ER nurse will require you to understand the skills and responsibilities needed for the emergency room.
Below you’ll find a sample template job description for an ER nurse. You can copy the ER nurse job description, but make sure to add your own information for company culture, and perks/benefits, as well as double-check that the skills match your exact requirements.
Company Culture/Introduction:
{{This is where you’ll write a short introduction about your company and describe your culture. This is the most important section, as it will be the key selling point for candidates. Emphasize your company culture, perks, benefits, and anything else that makes your company amazing.}}
Job Description/ Why We’re Hiring:
We’re looking for an Emergency Room (ER) Nurse who is currently licensed and ready to take on the challenge of our fast-paced emergency room. Our ideal ER nurse will be quick-thinking and have graduated from an accredited nursing program.
ER Nurse Skills and Expertise {Below is a list of several skills and responsibilities of an Emergency Room Nurse. Remember to remove any that do not fit your specific role}:
- Responsible for maintaining care standards in the emergency room.
- Able to assess patients quickly, prioritize, and assist in minor procedures.
- Managed patient check-in process, performed triage work for doctors, and assisted with initial insurance paperwork.
- Communicate with doctors and patients to keep everyone updated on test results and treatment recommendations.
- Collaborate with laboratory personnel and report lab findings back to ER doctors.
- Assist in the care of traumas, cardiac arrests, strokes, sexual assaults, and conscious sedation.
- Demonstration of sound decision-making in emergency scenarios based on patient conditions such as vital signs, patient presentation, and assessments.
- Provide RN care for all ER patients, as well as handling intubations, defibrillations, auto transfusions, Medlock insertions, splinting, and more.
Benefits and Perks
{{Insert the benefits or company perks here. You’ll want to emphasize health, any fitness perks, education opportunities, flexible work schedule, facility-catered lunches, etc}}.